Our Code Violation Experts Could Save You Thousands of Dollars!

LGS will work with you to resolve potential violations with LAHD’s SCEP (Systematic Code Enforcement Program). Having one of our consultants at your side, who understands complex issues like building and safety codes, construction procedures, permit processing, and more, can save you time, money and unnecessary stress. There are serious penalties if you miss deadlines with regards to appeals and compliance with the LAHD.


SCEP Inspection Preparation

Get ahead of the process. It is important to respond quickly the moment you receive a notice from LAHD, as failure to properly comply could impact the value of your properties. Potential Issues include: Fees, Late Penalties, Attorney Fees, Referrals to the City Attorney, Construction Costs, and potentially, Criminal Prosecution.

Potential SCEP Issues for Your Property

Deteriorated/Defective Walls, Ceilings, Floors, Roof Coverings | Broken Windows and Screens | Missing/Defective Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detectors | Lack of proper Light & Ventilation | Defective/Missing Light Fixtures, Electrical Outlets, Unsafe Wiring | Deteriorated/Defective/Missing Plumbing Faucets, Valves, Fixtures | Lack of Required Hot Water, Water Heater Strapping, Positive Vent Connections | Lack of Heat | Unapproved Additions, Alterations, and Improvements without Permits and Approval from the City of Los Angeles

Read the Full List


Contact US Today

For more information call or email us to help you navigate LAHD’s procedures, including SCEP, REAP (Rent Escrow Account Program), Code Violations and Enforcements, and Inspections.

Phone: 800-771-5971 | lgsretrofitters@gmail.com